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Quilts of Valor Sew Day

Date: Feb 04, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Palouse Patchers Quilts of Valor (QOV) Sew Day - Lana Tout
All welcome - bring a friend!

The QOV sew day on Feb 4th will be at the Fairgrounds in Moscow, 9-3. Please try to let me know if you'll be coming. I will have kits ready for you, or you can work on your own project. Any questions please let me know. Lana, 208 301-4275.

Please bring your machine and supplies. I will have a cutting table set up and ironing board. Please bring your own drinks and lunch. I will try to have 3 quilts ready to hand bind and as many kits as I can muster. I will also attempt to have some awards to present to deserving veterans. Thank you all in advance. Bring your smiles and your best work for our deserving veterans and servemen and women.Lana Tout 208 301-4275; ydog200@gmail.com.

Palouse Patchers QOV Sew Day is held in conjunction with the national QOV Sew Day. On the 1st Saturday of each February, quilters gather to cut, iron, sew, quilt and finish Quilts of ValorĀ®. More info at https://www.qovf.org
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