Concessions Vendor Space Application

This is a four-day admission-free fair, welcoming approximately 20,000 to 25,000 visitors. If you are interested in renting booth space, please fill out and submit the application below. Because of increased demand for space and the limited number of spaces, there is not a separate fee structure for for-profit or non-profit vendors.

Priority application deadlines March 1st for Concessions Vendors.
An application does not guarantee you a contract. We attempt to provide a wide variety of options in the limited space we have and select unique vendors with this in mind. If your application is approved, a contract will be sent to you.

September 11-14, 2025
"Feelin' Alive in 2025"

Contact Information

Desired Booth Dimensions

Please provide frontage by depth dimensions

Special Requirements

Description of Menu and Products

We attempt to provide a wide variety of options.
Include a Picture if Available
Upon approval of your applications, we will send you a space contract for signatures.
Priority assignments are given to applications received by March 1st.
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